Kristen Speed Edit - The Wall

A speed edit showing my complete workflow for a portrait edit with model @kristenjcounts. Starting with initial RAW conversion, the edit proceeds through frame expansion, frequency separation, skin healing, sharpening, then final light and color adjustments. All work done in Adobe Camera RAW and Adobe Photoshop CC 2019.

Toria Speed Edit - The White Top

A speed edit showing my complete retouching workflow on a recent image with amazing model @toriawatters. Starting with initial RAW conversion, then moving on through frame expansion, frequency separation, healing, sharpness, local and global dodge and burn, and final light and color. All work done in Adobe Camera RAW and Photoshop CC 2019.

Hope Speed Edit - The Pink Jumper

A speed edit showing my workflow editing a recent portrait with @hope_telkameta. Starting with initial RAW conversion, then proceeding through frame expansion, frequency separation, healing, the video progresses into local dodge and burn, then concludes with final light and color adjustments.  All work done in Adobe Camera RAW and Photoshop CC 2019.

Hope Speed Edit - The Tennis Court

A speed edit showing my retouching workflow for a recent portrait with @hope_teklameta.  The original image was shot against the daylight sun, with a Godox AD200 at half power into a 7" silver reflector as main.  The edit shows RAW conversion, frame expansion, frequency separation, dodge and burn, and overall light and color.

Holly Speed Edit - The Sweater

A speed edit showing my retouching workflow for a recent portrait with @hollyzuzula. Starting with RAW conversion and initial noise, color, and light, I move onto frame expansion, frequency separation, healing, sharpening, local and global dodge and burn, then subject separation and overall light and color. This workflow is run in Adobe Photoshop CC 2019.

Mariya Speed Edit 1 - Little Black Dress

A video showing the editing workflow of an image with @semymariya_.  This shows a typical retouch, starting with RAW conversion, then through frame expansion, healing, dodge and burn, and light and color.

Mariya Speed Edit 2 - The Car

A video showing the editing workflow of an image with @semymariya_.  This shows my usual editing workflow, from RAW conversion though frame expansion, healing, dodge and burn, and light and color.

Lex Speed Edit 1 - Fencelines

A video showing the editing workflow of an image with @lexembry.  This shows my typical editing workflow, from RAW image conversion through initial light and color, skin, local dodge and burn, and overall light and color.

Lex Speed Edit 2 - Teal

A video showing the editing workflow of an image with @lexembry.  Another video showing my typical editing workflow.

Lex Speed Edit 3 - Fields

A video showing the editing workflow of an image with @lexembry.  This is a more advanced edit featuring frame expansion and some detail work.

Lex Speed Edit 4 - Stormy Road

A video showing the editing workflow of an image with @lexembry.  A more advanced retouch with work on light, shadow, and color.

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