My Work

I specialize in Feminine Portraiture, with images celebrating the strength, beauty, and elegance of the female form.  My goal on every shoot is to capture not just an image, but instead an expression, a mood, a feeling.  We want to walk away with portraits that tell a story, that draw viewers in, and make people want to find out more about the stunning woman in the image.

I generally only shoot with experienced models, but I'm always open to collaborations - contact me by DM if you have a concept you're interested in shooting and we can see if our styles align.


I was raised in Ontario, Canada, and have always had a love of photography.  My main career is as a scientist: working with biotechnology and DNA -- but my artistic outlet is creating beautiful portraits through photography.

When not out shooting or working, we love to travel and explore new places.  Living in the Bay Area of California, we have easy access to San Francisco, the Central Valley, and the Sierras.

More Info

I'll often post about recent shoots on my Insta page here: You can also find me on YouTube at You can read reviews about my work on this site's reviews page, and see more from different shoots on my Sets page.

Contact Me

You can reach me on Instagram, Facebook, or if you'd like you can send me a message using the form to the right!

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